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Comparison of Quality-Check with similar classes

This page tries to compare Quality-Check with other classes like org.springframework.util.Assert [1] or [2] or org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate [3] .

Comparison Overview

Check compared to Assert

Method of Check Method of Assert
contains(Collection<T> haystack, T needle) -
equals(T expected, T check) -
greaterThan (T expected, T check) -
greaterThan (T expected, T check) -
hasAnnotation(Class<?> clazz, Class<? extends Annotation>annotation) -
instanceOf(Class<?> type, Object obj) isInstanceOf(Class<?> clazz, Object obj)
instanceOf(Class<?> type, Object obj, String name) isInstanceOf(Class<?> type, Object obj, String message)
isNull (Object reference) isNull (Object object)
isNull (Object reference, String name) isNull (Object object, String message)
isNumber (String value) -
isNumber (String value, String name) -
isNumeric (T value) -
isNumeric (T value, String name) -
lesserThan (T expected, T check) -
lesserThan (T expected, T check) -
matchesPattern (Pattern pattern, T chars) -
matchesPattern (Pattern pattern, T chars, String name) -
noNullElements (T iterable) -
noNullElements (T[] array) noNullElements (Object[] array)
noNullElements (T[] array, String name) noNullElements (Object[] array, String message)
noNullElements (T iterable, String name) -
notEmpty (boolean expression) -
notEmpty (boolean expression, String name) -
notEmpty (T chars) hasLength (String text)
notEmpty (T collection) notEmpty (Collection collection, String message)
notEmpty (T map) notEmpty (Map map)
notEmpty (T[] array) notEmpty (Object[] array)
notEmpty (T[] array, String name) notEmpty (Object[] array, String message)
notEmpty (T reference, boolean expression, String name) -
notEmpty (T chars, String name) hasLength (String text, String message)
notEmpty (T collection, String name) notEmpty (Collection collection, String message)
notEmpty (T map, String name) notEmpty (Map map, String message)
notNaN (double value) -
notNaN (double value, String name) -
notNaN (float value) -
notNaN (float value, String name) -
notNull (T reference) notNull (Object object)
notNull (T reference, String name) notNull (Object object, String message)
positionIndex (int index, int size) -
range (int start, int end, int size) -
stateIsTrue (boolean expression) state (boolean expression)
stateIsTrue (boolean expression, Class<? extends RuntimeException> clazz) -
stateIsTrue (boolean expression, String description) state (boolean expression, String message)
stateIsTrue (boolean expression, String descriptionTemplate, Object... descriptionTemplateArgs) -
Methods that are not directly supported by Check
- doesNotContain (String textToSearch, String substring)
- doesNotContain (String textToSearch, String substring, String message)
- hasText (String text)
- hasText (String text, String message)
- isAssignable (Class superType, Class subType)
- isAssignable (Class superType, Class subType, String message)
- isTrue (boolean expression)
- isTrue (boolean expression, String message)

Comparison Overview

Check compared to Preconditions

Method of Check Method of Preconditions
contains(Collection<T> haystack, T needle) -
equals(T expected, T check) -
hasAnnotation(Class<?> clazz, Class<? extends Annotation>annotation) -
instanceOf(Class<?> type, Object obj) -
instanceOf(Class<?> type, Object obj, String name) -
isNumber (String value) -
isNumber (String value, String name) -
isNumeric (T value) -
isNumeric (T value, String name) -
matchesPattern (Pattern pattern, T chars) -
matchesPattern (Pattern pattern, T chars, String name) -
noNullElements (T iterable) -
noNullElements (T[] array) -
noNullElements (T[] array, String name) -
noNullElements (T iterable, String name) -
notEmpty (boolean expression) -
notEmpty (boolean expression, String name) -
notEmpty (T chars) -
notEmpty (T collection) -
notEmpty (T map) -
notEmpty (T[] array) -
notEmpty (T[] array, String name) -
notEmpty (T reference, boolean expression, String name) -
notEmpty (T chars, String name) -
notEmpty (T collection, String name) -
notEmpty (T map, String name) -
notNaN (double value) -
notNaN (double value, String name) -
notNaN (float value) -
notNaN (float value, String name) -
notNull (T reference) checkNotNull (T reference)
notNull (T reference, String name) checkNotNull (T reference, String message)
positionIndex (int index, int size) checkPositionIndex (int index, int size)
range (int start, int end, int size) checkPositionIndexes (int start, int end, int size)
stateIsTrue (boolean expression) checkState (boolean expression)
stateIsTrue (boolean expression, Class<? extends RuntimeException> clazz) -
stateIsTrue (boolean expression, String description) checkState (boolean expression, String errorMessage)
stateIsTrue (boolean expression, String descriptionTemplate, Object... descriptionTemplateArgs) checkState (boolean expression, String errorMessageTemplate, Object... errorMessageArgs)
Methods that are not directly supported by Check
- checkArgument (boolean expression)
- checkArgument (boolean expression, Object errorMessage)
- checkArgument (boolean expression, String errorMessageTemplate, Object... errorMessageArgs)
- checkElementIndex (int index, int size)
- checkElementIndex (int index, int size, String desc)
- checkNotNull (T reference, String errorMessageTemplate, Object... errorMessageArgs)
- checkPositionIndex (int index, int size, String desc)

Comparison Overview

Check compared to Validate

Method of Check Method of Validate
contains(Collection<T> haystack, T needle) -
equals(T expected, T check) -
hasAnnotation(Class<?> clazz, Class<? extends Annotation>annotation) -
instanceOf(Class<?> type, Object obj) isInstanceOf(Class<?> type, Object obj)
instanceOf(Class<?> type, Object obj, String message) isInstanceOf(Class<?> type, Object obj, String message, Object... values)
isNumber (String value) -
isNumber (String value, String name) -
isNumeric (T value) -
isNumeric (T value, String name) -
matchesPattern (Pattern pattern, T chars) matchesPattern (Pattern pattern, T chars)
matchesPattern (Pattern pattern, T chars, String name) matchesPattern (Pattern pattern, T chars, String message, Object... values)
noNullElements (T iterable) noNullElements (T iterable)
noNullElements (T[] array) noNullElements (Object[] array)
noNullElements (T[] array, String name) noNullElements (Object[] array, String message)
noNullElements (T iterable, String name) noNullElements (T iterable, String name)
notEmpty (boolean expression) -
notEmpty (boolean expression, String name) -
notEmpty (T chars) notEmpty (T chars)
notEmpty (T collection) notEmpty (Collection collection, String message)
notEmpty (T map) notEmpty (Map map)
notEmpty (T[] array) notEmpty (Object[] array)
notEmpty (T[] array, String name) notEmpty (Object[] array, String message)
notEmpty (T reference, boolean expression, String name) -
notEmpty (T chars, String name) notEmpty (T chars, String message, Object... values)
notEmpty (T collection, String name) notEmpty (Collection collection, String message)
notEmpty (T map, String name) notEmpty (Map map, String message)
notNaN (double value) -
notNaN (double value, String name) -
notNaN (float value) -
notNaN (float value, String name) -
notNull (T reference) notNull (Object object)
notNull (T reference, String name) notNull (Object object, String message)
positionIndex (int index, int size) -
range (int start, int end, int size) -
stateIsTrue (boolean expression) validState (boolean expression)
stateIsTrue (boolean expression, Class<? extends RuntimeException> clazz) -
stateIsTrue (boolean expression, String description) -
stateIsTrue (boolean expression, String descriptionTemplate, Object... descriptionTemplateArgs) validState (boolean expression, String message, Object... values)
Methods that are not directly supported by Check
- exclusiveBetween (T start, T end, Comparable<T> value)
- exclusiveBetween (T start, T end, Comparable<T> value, String message, Object... values)
- inclusiveBetween (T start, T end, Comparable<T> value)
- inclusiveBetween (T start, T end, Comparable<T> value, String message, Object... values)
- isAssignableFrom (Class superType, Class subType)
- isAssignableFrom (Class superType, Class subType, String message, Object... values)
- isTrue (boolean expression)
- isTrue (boolean expression, String message, double value)
- isTrue (boolean expression, String message, long value)
- isTrue (boolean expression, String message, Object... values)
- notBlank (T chars)
- notBlank (T chars, String message, Object... values)
- validIndex (T[] array, int index)
- validIndex (T[] array, int index, String message, Object... values)
- validIndex (T chars, int index)
- validIndex (T chars, int index, String message, Object... values)
- validIndex (T collection, int index)
- validIndex (T collection, int index, String message, Object... values)